Cookies & Data Collection Information


We may collect or have collected personal information about you from various sources. The categories of sources from which we may collect personal information are:

Directly from you, such as when you make a purchase on our website or on one of our Vonk Mkt-owned social networks, contact us with a question or complaint, use one of our mobile apps, create an account on our website, respond to a survey, enter a contest or other promotion, register to attend an event, apply for a job, or sign up to receive marketing communications.

From your friends or family, such as when your friend or family member sends you a gift or recommends you.

Cookies and automatic collection methods. When you visit our website or use one of our mobile applications, and when you open or click on emails we send you, we (and the third parties we work with) may automatically collect information from your browser or device using technologies such as cookies. , web beacons, pixel tags and similar technologies. Cookies are small text files that websites send to your computer or other Internet-connected device to uniquely identify your browser or to store information or settings in your browser. Web beacons or pixel tags are small images that are embedded in our website or emails that tell us information about your browser or device, or whether you open or click on emails we send you. These technologies allow us, or third parties placing such technologies,

Through in-store and offline technologies, such as video surveillance and Wi-Fi technology on our social media or telephone customer service owned by Vonk Mkt and its surroundings, and call recording technology when you speak to customer service customer.

From our business partners and service providers, such as demographic companies, analytics providers, advertising companies and networks, third-party retailers, and other third parties with whom we choose to collaborate or work.

From platforms and social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram. For example, we may obtain your information from a social media platform or network if you interact with us on social media or choose to log in to our Website using your social media credentials.


We may use or have used the information we hold about you:

To provide you with products and services, such as fulfilling orders and processing payments, creating, servicing and/or maintaining your account, assisting with product selection and replenishment, and managing current or past purchases.

To communicate with you, including to respond to your inquiries or complaints, and to help you place an order.

To administer your participation in special events, contests, sweepstakes, surveys and promotions.

For marketing and advertising, such as sending you marketing and advertising materials by post, text message or email, and showing you advertisements for products and/or services tailored to your interests on social media and other websites.

For analytics purposes, such as to understand how you use our website and mobile apps, understand your preferred method of shopping with us, determine which browsers and devices you use to visit our website or mobile apps, and to evaluate and improve our products, services, ads, website and mobile apps.

To operate and improve our business, including to respond to job applications, provide quality assurance, conduct research and development to develop new products and services, and perform accounting, auditing, and other internal business functions.

For legal and security purposes, such as detecting, preventing, and prosecuting harmful, fraudulent, or illegal activities, loss prevention, identifying and repairing errors on our website or mobile applications, and to comply with applicable legal requirements, relevant security standards industry and our policies

We may also use or have used the information in other ways for which we provide specific notice at the time of collection.


We may share or have shared your personal information with:

Brands that manage the use and information of plugins on our site for its proper functioning. Such as; and other social media companies.

Service providers. We may transfer personal information to service providers